Thursday, September 16, 2010

Individual Blog Assignment 9-16-10 #2

This article is all about a local artist named Cindy Wunsch. She creates whimsical, colorful paintings, layered deep with subtle emotions. A lot of her paintings have to do with birds and women, and the emotion and thought she puts into each one touches people in very versatile ways. She talks about how one of her paintings, I Wonder if He Knows How Much I Miss Him, makes one woman think of her husband who passed away, another of her son that committed suicide, and yet another of her husband away in Iraq. Her paintings seem to resonate with people at a deep level, and they have a very unique appearance on top of that. She uses layers of paint to create personality and feeling, and incorporates paper and cloth and other media as well. While I don't personally like all of her work, a lot of it has a very unique beauty to it, and it is definitely worth taking a look. 

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